Biology |
Agricultural Science |
Marine Science |
Earth & Environmental Science |
Chemistry |
Physics |
Year 11 |
Unit 1 |
Cells and Multicellular Organisms |
Agricultural systems |
Oceanography |
Introduction to Earth systems |
Chemical fundamentals — structure, properties and reactions |
Thermal, nuclear and electrical physics |
Unit 2 |
Maintaining the internal environment |
Resources |
Marine biology |
Earth processes — energy transfers and transformations |
Molecular interactions and reactions |
Linear motion and waves |
Year 12 |
Unit 3 |
Biodiversity and the inter-connectedness of life |
Agricultural production |
Marine systems — connections and change |
Living on Earth — extracting using and managing Earth resources |
Equilibrium, acids and redox reactions |
Gravity and electromagnetism |
Unit 4 |
Heredity and continuity of life |
Agricultural management |
Ocean issues and resource management |
The changing Earth — the cause and impact of Earth hazards |
Structure, synthesis and design |
Revolutions in modern physics |