Queensland's Citizen Science Hub

Member Groups

This category showcases the groups who have formally joined the Queensland Science Network. Each of the titles below links to an “index page” that provides a brief introduction to the group and a link to their home website. Please visit their home websites for access to the full range of their knowledge materials.

The Council of The Royal Society of Queensland in April 2024 endorsed the inclusion of the Mary River catchment community via the MRCCA in the QSN network on the basis that the assembly and dissemination of knowledge about the natural resources of their area is a prime activity. Support from the other member groups was unanimous. More details on their landing page.

The Mary River emanates from the Conondale Ranges in the south, flowing to the Great Sandy Strait and Hervey Bay at River Heads in the north. The Mary has been identified as the southern-most catchment that impacts on the Great Barrier Reef. The Mary catchment encompasses an area of approximately 10,000 km2 and over 3000 km of waterways including the major tributaries of Obi Obi, Yabba, Six Mile, Wide Bay, Munna and Tinana Creeks. 

The Mary River Catchment Coordination Association is a very active, not for profit integrated catchment management organisation overseen by the Mary River Catchment Coordinating Committee (MRCCC). The Committee comprises representatives from 30+ industry, community and government sectors with interests in integrated catchment management and sustainable natural resource management. The group was incorporated on the 17th March 1995 and today, collectively, reaches out to thousands of catchment residents through our stakeholder delegates, landholders and associated networks throughout the catchment.

Read its summary profile here.

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Mission and Activities of BOIC

The BOIC was founded in 1994 to cater for people with an interest in invertebrates. It has been are based in Brisbane but has had members Australia-wide. Field trips have been conducted during the warmer months of the year and evening meetings sometimes held in winter when invertebrates are not very active. Many members have not become involved in its activities and simply joined to receive its colour magazine Metamorphosis Australia. This A5 size magazine has been published in March, June, September and December. Back issues of this and our older Newsletter are available, along with a range of books, brochures and posters for sale. Our butterfly host plant book is very popular as is our laminated poster of the life cycles of ten swallowtail butterflies.

The BOIC worked with other community organisations and councils to promote the restoration of habitats and encouragement of greater biodiversity.

BOIC has announced its dissolution, from 31 March 2024
The BOIC has resolved to cease activities in the wake of an inability to fill key offices of President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer 2024. The attached Notice to Members outlines the situation.

QSN applauds the involvement of office-bearers and members of BOIC over several years in the affairs of QSN and notes this dissolution with great sadness. We thank the office-bearers and members for everything they have done to advance natural history in their field since 1994 and through QSN since the first days of its establishment in 2016.

Aristolochia praevenosa, food plant for caterpillars of the Richmond Birdwing.


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Earthwatch is a global not-for-profit environmental organisation that brings individuals from all walks of life together with world-class scientists for the good of the planet. Earthwatch Australia has been partnering with business, trusts, foundations and government in citizen science for more than 45 years and is one of the world’s largest private funders of independent scientific field research. Continue reading

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The Society, since its inception in 1923, has promoted the development of pure and applied entomological research in Australia, particularly in Queensland. Membership is open to anyone interested in Entomology. (Membership applications can be found in the links below.) The Society promotes liaison among entomologists through regular meetings, distributes a News Bulletin to members, provides collection permits and publishes the Australian Entomologist.

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The Geological Society of Australia gives members an outstanding opportunity to keep in touch with scientific developments, present the results of their work,  and contribute to discussions on vocational and scientific topics.

As the premier Australian geoscience society, membership provides an essential network of contacts as well as publications, meetings, events and opportunities.

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As experts in environmental research, monitoring, evaluation and on-ground restoration works, Healthy Land and Water’s purpose is to safeguard the future of our planet. We are leading by example in South East Queensland working closely with community, Traditional Owners and all levels of government, to enhance and protect our environment.

We are an independent organisation, dedicated to delivering on-ground innovative and science-based solutions to challenges affecting our landscapes, waterways and biodiversity.

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