The Network
The Queensland STEM Education Network (QSEN) is a consortium of Queensland Universities providing a range of high quality programs and initiatives designed to build STEM capacity across the state.
Queensland STEM Education Network (QSEN) was launched with the aid of funding from the Federal Government’s Australian Maths and Science Partnership Program (AMSPP).
The Queensland STEM Education Network will be instrumental in coordinating state-wide collaboration in STEM education between Universities, the Department of Education and Training and other key stakeholders in STEM education.
Project Goals
Goal 1
To raise awareness, interest and achievement in science and mathematics among Queensland junior secondary students leading to increased STEM enrolments at senior secondary and tertiary levels.
Goal 2
To engage students, parents, teachers, guidance officers and the broader community to demystify and raise awareness of the importance of STEM education and STEM related careers.
In the longer term, the QSEN will continue to be a strong advocate for the importance of STEM education and will be a key voice in developing the future strategic direction of STEM education across Queensland.

Kay Lembo
Kay is the manager of the Queensland S.T.E.M. Education Network and is establishment the state-wide consortium of university, education, scientific and community stakeholders. Kay has worked as a secondary science teacher with Education Queensland for over 20 years and has been involved with managing initiatives as part of Queensland’s ‘Spotlight on Science’ and ‘Science Education Strategy’. These involve coordinating the Toowoomba Technology Maths, Science Centre of Excellence (TTMSCE) and as Director of Southern Queensland Science Centre of Innovation and Professional Practice (SCIPP). Most recently her roles have been as National Manager, Program Delivery and Quality Assurance, Primary Industry Centre for Science Education (PICSE) and lecturing in science education at the University of Southern Queensland and Charles Darwin University. Kay’s research interests include science education, teacher professional development and science teaching enhancement initiatives.
Contact details
Phone: (07) 3346 9746

Carina Pericleous
Carina is the Queensland S.T.E.M. Education Network (QSEN) Project Officer based at Griffith University. She provides high level project support for all consortium University partners and assist’s in the coordination of STEMS engagement and outreach activities. Carina’s broad University experience includes Student Retention, Client Services, Administration and as an International Advisor.

Maria Barrett
Maria Barrett is the QSEN STEM Officer at Queensland University of Technology (QUT). In addition to developing and managing QUT’s QSEN projects, Maria coordinates the Widening Participation program in QUT’s Science and Engineering Faculty, which provides STEM outreach activities and career awareness experiences to primary and secondary schools in low income areas within the Brisbane North-Caboolture corridor. Maria has specialist expertise in teaching primary school science, and extensive experience in development of science communication initiatives and management of ecology research centres in the tertiary education sector.

Marina Fitzpatrick
Marina Fitzpatrick is one of six QSEN consortium’s project officers and is based at the University of the Sunshine Coast. She has been a key facilitator of a number of STEM initiatives including Education QLD’s Science Centre of Innovation and Professional Practice (SCIPP), the Science and Engineering Education Centre (SEEC) and the Primary Industry Centre for Science Education (PICSE). QSEN is the latest expression progressing parallel project objectives to enhance STEM networks and implement authentic and engaging STEM experiences for middle school students.

Jackie Mergard

Donna Rigano
Donna is the Project Officer for the Queensland STEM Education Network focusing on the promotion of mathematics. Based at James Cook University (JCU) in Townsville, Donna Rigano has been working in STEM education since 1991. Her research interests cover a range of areas including high school laboratory science, primary school scientific writing, emotions in science learning and maths teacher identity. With the JCU team, Donna is focusing on developing strategies that highlight how mathematics is crucial for future careers.
The Queensland STEM Education Networks provides coordinated, statewide collaborative approach for sharing Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics expertise from Queensland Universities with secondary school students across the state. It also builds on existing strong university partnerships with local schools and communities involving STEM outreach and Widening Participation initiatives.
Consortium University Partners
Adjunct University Partners
The formation of the Queensland STEM Education Network is made possible with the support of the Australian Government Department of Education and Training, as part of its Australian Maths and Science Partnership Programme (AMSPP) initiative.
This programme was established in response to Professor Ian Chubb, AC, recommendations in his 2012 report: Mathematics, Engineering and Science: in the national interest.
The AMSPP is aimed at improving student engagement in maths and science courses at university and schools, through innovative partnerships between universities, schools and other relevant organisations.
Nationally funded AMSPP projects
Lead University Partner: Project Title
The Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University: Making Something out of Maths
La Trobe University: In2science – classroom and online mentoring for the future
University of Canberra: National Mentoring for Science and Mathematics teachers
University of Technology, Sydney: Maths Inside: Highlighting the role of mathematics in society as motivation to engage more in mathematical activities
University of Sydney: Embedded System Design Challenge
University of Sydney: CAASTRO in the Classroom
University of South Australia: Excellence and Equity in Maths: Indigenous Student Achievement and Tertiary Aspirations in Mathematics
Southern Cross University: Inspiring Science and Mathematics Education (ISME)
University of Tasmania: Towards Educating Mathematics Professionals Encompassing Science and Technology (TEMPEST)
University of Melbourne: Growing Tall Poppies Program: an authentic science experience for Year 10 students
The Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University: Virtualising Science: Using an Online World to Immerse Junior Secondary School Students in Real Applications of Maths and Science Curriculum
Griffith University: The Queensland STEM Network
University of Sydney: Advancing Science and Engineering through Laboratory Learning: ASELL for Schools
University of Tasmania: Out of the Wilderness: Adventure Learning to engage students in on-ground science
The Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University: Reframing Mathematical Futures: Building a learning and teaching resource to enhance mathematical reasoning in Years 7 to 10
The Queensland STEM Education Network is provided with strategic advice and direction by our Reference Group comprised of university, government and education representatives.