Queensland's Citizen Science Hub

QSN member body The Moreton Bay Foundation has appealed for help to develop and maintain a Knowledge Hub to guide research, action and advocacy.

Moreton Bay is one of Australia’s most important coastal and cultural resources. It is an international treasure known for its biodiversity and breathtaking beauty. The Bay is a popular recreational destination due to its diversity of wildlife, habitats and seascapes. It supports diverse industries including fisheries, aquaculture, port services and tourism.

The Moreton Bay community asked for a comprehensive report on what is needed to ensure a healthier Bay by 2035. The Moreton Bay Foundation, a member body of QSN, commissioned a project in late 2023 to identify gaps in the management and protection of the Bay in response to this community need. The Moreton Bay 2035 report has been received by the Foundation. It has identified significant threats to the health and sustainable use of Moreton Bay.

In response to these significant threats, the Foundation has developed a strategic plan to guide research, action and advocacy for the Bay. The major initiative is the creation of a consolidated Knowledge Hub to support research, planning and management decisions. See the website for more informationhttps://moretonbayfoundation.org/what-we-do/strategic-plan/the-knowledge-hub/ and to donate, click here: https://moretonbayfoundation.org/get-involved/donate/.

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