Queensland's Citizen Science Hub

By Jodi Rowley Curator, Amphibian & Reptile Conservation Biology, Australian Museum

Australia has 240 known species of frog, almost all of which are found nowhere else in the world. Some species are flourishing, like the Striped Marsh Frog. But others have declined dramatically since the 1980s, and four have become extinct.

Croaks, whistles, bleats and barks – every frog species makes a different sound. By recording a frog call with the FrogID app, students will discover which frogs live around them and help us count Australia’s frogs, empowering your students to be citizen scientists.

FrogID is a national citizen science project that is helping us learn more about what is happening to Australia’s frogs. All around the country, people are recording frog calls with nothing more than a smartphone.

With the data obtained through FrogID we are able to track the Cane Toad and identify where frogs are thriving and where they aren’t. And by matching calls to weather and habitat, we are learning more about how different frog species are responding to a changing environment.

Get your class and students involved in FrogID:

  1. Create account & group at FrogID.net.au
  2. Instruct students to create account & join class
  3. Download the FrogID App, Sign In & Record
  4. Check Leaderboard for Results


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