Queensland's Citizen Science Hub

Wildlife Preservation Society of Queensland

Wildlife Queensland is a leading statewide wildlife conservation organisation providing practical community programs to enhance knowledge of wildlife and its habitat. Wildlife Queensland influences decision makers to make the right choices for Queensland’s wildlife. We have 12 branches across the state. We publish Wildlife Australia – Australia’s oldest surviving wildlife magazine and nature journal, featuring articles by experts, researchers and award-winning natural history authors and showcasing the photography of some of the continent’s most talented photographers.  Read more

Our mission is to be the leading non-government organisation advocating protection and conservation of Queensland’s native terrestrial and marine plants, animals and landscapes by educating and engaging communities, influencing decision-making, advancing solutions and connecting people with wildlife.

Our vision is that people value, respect and support the conservation of Queensland’s native wildlife* (*Wildlife embraces plants, animals and their habitat)

Our objectives are to:

  • Preserve the flora and fauna of Australia by lawful means
  • Educate the community in an understanding of the principles of conservation and preservation of the natural environment
  • Discourage, by all legal means, the possible destruction, exploitation and unnecessary development of any part of the natural environment
  • Encourage rational land use and proper land planning of existing and future development, and the use of the natural environment and its management

Our work (projects and networks):

PlatypusWatch: A community-based program that aims to document where platypus occur so that we can develop a reliable ‘snapshot’ of platypus populations.
We will use this information to identify where conservation actions are needed – now and in the future – to protect this very special animal. Get Involved

Queensland Glider Network (QGN): The network was established in early 2006 to support glider populations through communication, education, data collection and mapping. QGN aims to raise awareness of gliders and their habitat requirements. We want to improve community knowledge and interest in gliders. We hope to achieve by being a hub for glider conservation, research and information exchange in Queensland. We want to educate communities to enable them to support their local glider populations. Find out more

EchidnaWatch: Have you seen an echidna lately? Wildlife Queensland’s EchidnaWatch program is gathering information on the distribution and abundance of echidnas in your area – and we’d like your help. How you can help.

Richmond Birdwing Conservation Network (RBCN): This affiliation of individuals, groups and organisations is dedicated to the conservation of the Richmond birdwing butterfly (Ornithoptera richmondia) and its host plants, the Richmond birdwing vine (Pararistolochia praevenosa) and mountain aristolochia (P. laheyana). The RBCN strives to achieve this aim through establishing vine refuges, as well as creating awareness and support for conservation in the broader community. The Network partners with other like-minded organisations and provides members with science-based information to cultivate and care for birdwing vines. Read More

Quoll Seekers Network (QSN): Established to raise community awareness of quolls in Queensland, gather information on quoll populations, and help people enjoy living alongside quolls. The network aims to be Queensland’s central non-government body for collecting and disseminating information about quolls in order to achieve good conservation outcomes. Read more

MangroveWatch is a mangrove monitoring program that provides a standardized method to assess shoreline mangrove condition and change over time. It aims to establish a long-term visual record of mangroves; improve understanding of mangrove ecosystems; generate community awareness of mangroves and, encourage local environmental stewardship. Read more

SeagrassWatch is a global scientific, non-destructive, seagrass assessment and monitoring program devised by Australia scientists. Scientists at the Seagrass-Watch Head Quarters based at the TropWater Division of James Cook University in Townsville have developed scientifically rigorous protocols for seagrass assessment. They work with the Wildlife Preservation Society of Queensland (WPSQ) to develop and expand the program, and to ensure that the program is producing data of high quality. Read more

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