Queensland's Citizen Science Hub

Healthy Land and Water

As experts in environmental research, monitoring, evaluation and on-ground restoration works, Healthy Land and Water’s purpose is to safeguard the future of our planet. We are leading by example in South East Queensland working closely with community, Traditional Owners and all levels of government, to enhance and protect our environment.

We are an independent organisation, dedicated to delivering on-ground innovative and science-based solutions to challenges affecting our landscapes, waterways and biodiversity.

Healthy Land and Water came to life after two of the region’s most experienced natural resource management groups – Healthy Waterways and SEQ Catchments – merged to form one entity in June 2016. The merger has enabled Healthy Land and Water to become the pre-eminent Natural Resource Management organisation in South East Queensland.

We believe that maintaining healthy landscapes and waterways is not just important for wildlife and ecosystems. A healthy environment also supports a vibrant economy, strong livelihoods, great lifestyles and the happiness and well-being of the community. Through our work, we encourage people to examine and change their behaviours for the benefit of the natural world and for the people and places we love.

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